Returns Policy

Opened and Used Items

Unfortunately we cannot accept returns on opened and used items, unless there is a fault with the product or if it was damaged in transit. If you believe there is a fault or if the item arrived damaged, then please contact us within 30 days of receiving your order to request a return.

Please note that we may request photos of the item to confirm its condition prior to organising a return. 

If your return request is accepted, then you will receive a shipping label via email to return your product free of charge. The purchase price of the product will be refunded to you once the product has been posted.

Change of Mind or Exchange

If you have had a change of mind about a product, we can only accept returns if the product is unopened. Please ensure that the product remains in its original packaging and is unused. Please note that a 20% restocking fee on the order's total value will be charged, and you will be responsible for the shipping costs associated with the return.

Allergic Reactions

If you have any allergies, then we strongly recommend that you check the ingredients list of each product before making a purchase to ensure that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. All of our products contain a list of ingredients in their respective product pages.

If you experience an allergic reaction to any of our products, please contact us immediately. In order to receive a refund, you will need to provide a doctor's certificate confirming the allergic reaction. If accepted, you will receive a shipping label to return the product at no cost to you, followed by a full refund.

Order Cancellation

If you would like to cancel an order, please contact us as soon as possible. Please note that once an order has been posted, it cannot be cancelled. Therefore, it is important to notify us of any cancellation requests before the order is shipped.

Thank you for choosing Euphoria for your beauty and skincare needs. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding our returns policy, please don't hesitate to contact us at